Earn Graduation Cord for Community Service

Earn a Community Service Graduation Cord



Download a Student Record of Community Service Form Here


What are Community Volunteer Service Hours? Community Volunteer Service Hours are hours spent performing services without pay or other compensation (except recognition and appreciation) for the good of an individual, agency, the community or society. 

Why Should I Volunteer?   Volunteerism benefits the community, and provides the student the opportunity:

  • To explore different career fields.
  • To gain valuable contacts for future job or internship opportunities.
  • To provide colleges a student’s volunteer service record.
  • To meet requirements for many scholarships.
  • To learn new skills or enhance skills in your area of interest.
  • To be recognized at Senior graduation with a special Service cord to be worn during the graduation ceremony. To qualify, students will have completed 100 or more hours during their high school years. PTSA is pleased to purchase the Community Service Cords for students who qualify.
  • The deadline for Seniors to receive Service cords will be the 1st Monday in April (that school is open) of their graduation year. Questions may be addressed to: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­commservcords@libertyhighptsa.com.
  • To be recorded by Liberty PTSA, your Volunteer Service Hours must meet the definition above and also meet the following criteria:

What Counts for Volunteer Hours?  To be recorded by Liberty PTSA, your Volunteer Service Hours must meet the definition above and also meet the following criteria:

  • Hours should be performed outside of school time.
  • Hours worked during summer count for the next school year.
  • Hours volunteered after 8th grade promotion do count.
  • Hours worked for other school groups (National Honor Society, ROTC, AP, Key Club and DECA) do count, as long as they meet all other criteria. YOU MUST GET A COPY OF YOUR VOLUNTEER FORM YOU HAVE SUBMITTED TO OTHER GROUPS AND SUBMIT A COPY TO PTSA. PTSA IS UNABLE TO DO THIS FOR YOU OR ACCESS OTHER GROUP'S FORMS.
  • Hours must be authorized by the beneficiary of the work, or by a supervisor of the program sponsoring the event. NOT A PARENT.
  • Only actual working hours count: travel and sleep hours do not
  • Fundraising, rehearsal hours and planning/meetings do not
  • Non-Paid Interning/Job shadowing do not  

How Do I Record and Turn in My Hours? Students should pick up a copy of the Student’s Record of Community Service form in the front office or download it from the PTSA website and start filling it out when volunteer hours are worked.

  • PTSA volunteers will be in the Commons during both lunches the first Monday of the month (when school is open), starting in October and ending in May, to collect forms, answer questions, and offer suggestions on where to volunteer.
  • Forms can be emailed to commservcords@libertyhighptsa.com anytime.
  • Forms can also be turned in at the FRONT OFFICE - file folder on counter with reception.
  • There is space on the form to record 11 volunteer sessions. Additional forms can be completed and submitted if more events are worked.
  • For the hours to qualify, the service beneficiary or advisor for the club organizing the volunteer event must sign the Student’s Record of Community Service form or other form or letter to confirm the service hours worked. Please have them include their phone number and email contact.
  • MAKE A COPY of all forms and supporting documents for your own records before you turn it in.


The deadline for Seniors to receive Service cords will be the 1st Monday in April (that school is open) of their graduation year. Questions may be addressed to: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­commservcords@libertyhighptsa.com.

New Volunteering Opportunity for Students