PTSA Programs


all year

Advocacy for kids and education is a major goal of the PTSA at all levels. The Legislative Representative organizes and disseminates information regarding local and statewide legislative issues that pertain to public education or child advocacy. To keep members informed on issues and to represent LHS PTSA, the Representative submits articles to the monthly PTSA newsletter, talks at monthly PTSA meetings, participates in the Legislative Assembly and Focus Day, and encourages membership to take action, such as contacting their elected officials, on issues supported by the PTSA.



The Awards Committee is reponsible for gathering nominations for the Golden Acorn and Outstanding Advocate Awards and selecting the awardees. The committee judges using a rubric, orders awards, gathers personal information for presentations, writes newsletter articles on winners and presents awards to recipients.
Community Service Graduation Cords
Community Service Graduation Cords

Periodically Fall-Spring

Underclassmen parents needed to help collect forms during school lunchtimes (1x per month) for students earning community service hours to qualify for graduation cords at graduation.
Students who earn community Service hours during high school and turn in their Community Service Forms by April of their Senior year will earn a special "Community Service Graduation Cord" to wear during graduation ceremony. Visit the Graduation Cord page for details.



Each fall, the PTSA conducts a membership campaign to encourage families to join the PTSA. Membership in the PTSA is annual and must be renewed each year. A portion of your dues pays for education advocacy at the state and national level. The benefits of membership include a Student Directory, eNews updates, and communication from the PTSA. Membership enrollment can be done online or via mail. Click on the "JOIN THE PTSA" link on the main menu to join!


Fall 2022

The Reflections Program is a National PTA arts competition. A local competition is held among Liberty students starting in September and winning entries move on to compete at the next level. Entries may be in the areas of fine arts, composition, photography, poetry, drama, literature or dance. Entries are due November 4th. More information to come on turn in information.

Senior Events

Class of 2025 Senior Events
Class of 2025 Senior Events

Throughout the School Year

If you would like to help with planning Senior Events, such as Senior Sunrise, Senior Breakfast, Night of Reflection, Senior Sunset, or the All Night Grad Night party, please signup on the PTSA website under volunteers or email Thank you!
Class of 2026 Senior Events Fundraiser
Class of 2026 Senior Events Fundraiser

Spring of School Year

Class Fundraiser volunteers. Hold a fundraising event to help the class raise fund that will pay for Senior events during their Senior Year. For example, past fundraisers have included restaurant nights, See's Candy, Brown Bear Car Wash, Regal theater tickets, Krispy Kreme, etc.
Class of 2027 Senior Events Fundraiser
Class of 2027 Senior Events Fundraiser

Fall and Spring

Class Fundraiser volunteers. Hold a fundraising event to help the class raise fund that will pay for Senior events during their Senior Year. For example, past fundraisers have included restaurant nights, See's Candy, Brown Bear Car Wash, Regal theater tickets, Krispy Kreme, etc.
Class of 2028 Senior Events Fundraiser
Class of 2028 Senior Events Fundraiser


Class Fundraiser volunteers. Hold a fundraising event to help the class raise fund that will pay for Senior events during their Senior Year. For example, past fundraisers have included restaurant nights, See's Candy, Brown Bear Car Wash, Regal theater tickets, Krispy Kreme, etc.

PTSA School Support

Campus Beautification
Campus Beautification

throughout the year

This committee works to improve and maintain Liberty's campus, including landscaping, interior public spaces, building maintenance issues and general appearance. This work is done by volunteers - mainly students - at one to two events per year.
Enrichment Grants
Enrichment Grants

All year

Enrichment Grants are the main method that the Liberty High PTSA uses to support the educational programs at Liberty High School. Staff must submit a simple grant application request to be considered for the grant. Grants are approved by a Board vote based on the overall budget approved by members. The PTSA's ability to fully provide grants at this level depends on donations. Teachers - please go to this page and look for enrichment grant application to learn more about how to apply:


Throughout the Year

Assist in reaching out to our Liberty students and families in need by helping with collection and distribution of items throughout the year. Also supporting our Issaquah Community through outreach programs that benefit the entire community. For more details and how you can help, please contact our Outreach Chairperson(s). Thank you so much for your support!
Angel Donations
Angel Donations


Please make a donation to help fund extra supplies to help Liberty students in need throughout the school year.
Staff Appreciation
Staff Appreciation

Periodically throughout the year

This committee coordinates appreciation lunches for the Liberty staff during the school year. Volunteers needed to help bring food items. Sign Up Genius invites are sent out during the year asking for items for each event. Your help is appreciated and welcomed! Our Liberty Staff LOVES these luncheon events and thanks all of our wonderful LHS Parents for making these happen throughout the school year. COVID is restricting our lunches until spring, but please still sign up for the future! THANK YOU!


We find volunteers for PTSA programs and when Liberty asks for support at certain events like Laptop Distribution, Book Check out and in, picture day and Senior Exit Interviews we will send out a sign up. We appreciate your support!

Parent Resources

Influence the Choice
Influence the Choice


Influence the Choice is committed to reducing youth substance use and promoting overall well-being by addressing root causes, fostering resilience, and providing education and prevention services to youth, families, and communities.

Issaquah Schools Foundation
Issaquah Schools Foundation


The Issaquah Schools Foundation raises money from community donations to open doors for Issaquah School District students to see beyond their immediate experiences, expanding the boundaries of what they believe is possible.

ISD Family Parternships
ISD Family Parternships


The Issaquah School District supports students’ success by supporting families.

To eliminate barriers and provide full access to all the educational opportunities in our district, we provide families supports such as Parent Workshops, access to Family Liaisons and resources to help staff better support our students and families.

Family And Community Engagement (FACE)
Family And Community Engagement (FACE)


Wonderful resources to connect our families across the Issaquah School District


Throughout the School Year

Did you know that Liberty PTSA and all other PTSAs in the district support the ParentWiser program for parents in our district?  Liberty PTSA is part of the Issaquah PTSA Council, which founded this program many years ago to share important topics and information with our parents in the Issaquah School District. PTSA and community partners fund this program to bring latest research and information to our families. As a Liberty High PTSA member, you can attend ParentWiser organized events for FREE as a benefit of your membership. For details and upcoming events, please visit the website here:



The PTSA prepares a directory of Liberty students each fall for distribution to members. One directory is free to each PTSA member family and additional copies may be purchased for a nominal fee.


Liberty PTSA E-News
Liberty PTSA E-News


Bi-Weekly emailed newsletter sent to PTSA members.
Liberty PTSA Instagram
Liberty PTSA Instagram


Follow us on Instagram for the latest information about all our PTSA events and programs. Our handle is libertyhigh_ptsa
Liberty PTSA Facebook
Liberty PTSA Facebook


Our Facebook page is a convenient way to stay informed. You can "Like" us from the link below.!/pages/Liberty-High-PTSA-Issaquah-WA/189496601060421

If you have a Senior at Liberty make sure to join the closed group "Liberty HS Class of 2024 Senior Events" for information for the Senior students and families only.


Donated Membership
Donated Membership


Donated memberships will pay for a PTSA membership for someone who cannot afford it. Thank you!
PTSA Donation
PTSA Donation


Cash donations from PTSA Members are the primary source of funds to support PTSA activities at Liberty. Donated funds support students in need, teacher grants for programs to enhance learning, parent education and programs like staff appreciation. Click the button on the left side to donate today!

Thank you to everyone who has already donated to PTSA!!!

PTSA Business

Financial Review Committee
Financial Review Committee

January & Summer

The Financial Review Committee is responsible for completing the required annual financial review of the LHS PTSA accounting records. This review is typically conducted in July or August, after the close of the year-end books on June 30th. The committee reviews the financial reports against the receipts, bank statements and report the audit results to the general membership.
Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee


The Nomination Committee is responsible for recruiting members to take on the leadership roles of the PTSA. The Nominating Committee is appointed and elected in January, spends February and March identifying candidates and presents a slate to the general membership at a meeting in the spring.