Hello Liberty PTSA Families . . .

As we wrap us the year, we would like to thank you for joining, volunteering and donating to support Liberty PTSA. Although we weren’t able to do as many in person events as usual, we still accomplished many things this year! Below are a few highlights:

  • Provided over $2,000 in Enrichment Grants for the Science and Art Departments, as well as a $2,000 grant to the Liberty Student Scholarship Education fund which aids in paying for educational experiences, testing fees, and other programs for Liberty students
  • The Liberty PTSA Staff Appreciation Committee held bi-monthly luncheons for the staff as well as for Staff Appreciation Week in May.  We look forward to this program being back to normal next year
  • Thanks to your generous support of the Liberty PTSA Outreach program were able to keep the Counseling office stocked with food and personal care items for students in need.  We also fulfilled several requests for specific clothing and spirit wear.
  • Our PTSA Class of 2022 Senior Events Committee worked hard to make it a special year for our seniors! They planned the Senior Sunrise, Senior Breakfast, Night of Reflection Event, Senior Sunset, and the All Night Grad Party.  Thanks to all of the Class of 2022 corporate sponsors and individual donors for making this night affordable for all students!  

Additionally, Liberty PTSA helps fund the Issaquah PTSA Council ParentWiser Program which provides Parent Education seminars throughout the year. As a Liberty PTSA member, admission is free to all of these events! Additionally this year, Liberty PTSA hosted a virtual “Hidden in Plain Sight” event in partnership with Influence the Choice.

Liberty PTSA will again be organizing the National PTA Reflections art program again in the Fall. The 2022-2023 theme is "Show Your Voice!" Visit the PTSA website at www.libertyhighptsa.com for details. Congratulations to Liberty finalists who advanced to district and state in 2022!

There are additional opportunities to help our community over the summer at the Issaquah Food Bank’s Summer Lunch program and Tools4School. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful, supportive community of families. Thank you!

We appreciate all of your support of Liberty PTSA, and please remember to join, donate, and sign up for volunteer opportunities in August during the school Enrollment Verification process. To our graduating families - we wish your graduate good luck!

Thank you to all our PTSA volunteers who served on the board of directors/committee chairs  - Laila Collins, Dawn Peschek, Korista Smith-Barney, Alison Larsson, Erin Thacker, Marta Burnet, Dawn Carr, Stina Fluegge, Michelle Moore, Heidi Kayler, Shelly Russell, KaseyAnn Morrelli, Julie Hicks,  as well as all of our other amazing volunteers who helped with Staff Appreciation and Senior Events!  If we missed anyone, we apologize. It takes a village, and you ALL make a difference. Please consider volunteering next year, we truly appreciate every one of you!

Thank you & Go Patriots!

The Liberty PTSA Board of Directors 2021-2022